The journey back from St.John’s

After packing up in St.John’s after my sabbatical there, and taking a road-trip across Newfoundland, I have now settled back into Montreal.

It’s pleasant to be back home, and to experience it anew after 8 months away. I have enjoyed the reunion with my family, my many bikes, and cycling around the city.

I am also basking in the warm weather: St.John’s winters are not cold, but they last until June. So traveling back to Montreal in early May was like traveling to the tropics (daytime highs for the week of 4th June are currently forecast between 9 and 11C in St.John’s – and were more like 2 to 6 when I left – a far cry from the 22 to 24C forecast in Montreal).

Anyway, I thought I’d share a few pictures taken on the way back from St.John’s…

The road up the Northern Peninsula
Rocky Harbour
Rocky Harbour lighthouse
Long Range Mountains, Northern peninsula
Great Western Pond
Anse aux Meadows
Cook Harbour – James Cook’s base whilst he mapped the Newfoundland shore in 18C
Caribou, near Cook Harbour
Moose crossing

And what’s a road-trip without a car: my 2000 Accord, which made it there and back…

Old but still working…

Published by Richard Shearmur

I am a professor at McGill's School of Urban Planning. I perform research on innovation, on how we locate work activities (in a world where people often work from many places), and on urban and regional economic geography. I used to work in real-estate, and teach a course on this. I am an urban planner, member of the Ordre des Urbanistes du Québec and of the Canadian institute of Planners.

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